Bibliographic Computer Science Indexing Review with Disease Covid 19

  • Andrianingsih Andrianingsih Universitas Nasional
  • Tri Wahyu Widyaningsih Tanri Abeng University
  • Meta Amalya Dewi Bina Nusantara University


Abstract - Researchers in conducting their research use the search using the homepage of the publication, according to expertise, collaboration in research, and research interests. And at this time the Covid 19 pandemic, became a trending topic for researchers, in various scientific fields. This study classifies based on publications located on the homepage source namely Scopus and Google Scholar, by analyzing the following topics, namely Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Remote Sensing, and Sentiment Analysis using Name Entity Recognition to detect and classify named entities in text and using occurrence and link strength methods. The results showed science index literature about diseases Covid 19, obtained that Scopus has the most equitable percentage, has a good occurrence and link strength among the five scientific fields, namely Natural Language Processing 23.81%.33%, Text Mining 19.05%%, Remote Sensing 0 %, Sentiment Analysis 57.14 % then Google Scholar Natural Language Processing 51.35%, Text Mining 0 %, Remote Sensing 48.65 %, Sentiment Analysis 0 %


Index Terms : Information Extraction; Bibliographic indexing; Disease Covid 19


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Author Biography

Tri Wahyu Widyaningsih, Tanri Abeng University

Informatics Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Tanri Abeng University

How to Cite
Andrianingsih, A., Widyaningsih, T., & Dewi, M. (2022). Bibliographic Computer Science Indexing Review with Disease Covid 19. IJNMT (International Journal of New Media Technology), 9(1), 13-19.