Ensemble Learning - Random Forest Algorithm to Classify Obesity Level

  • Tesalonika Abigail Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
  • Marlinda Vasty Overbeek Universitas Multimedia Nusantara


Obesity is one of the serious global health problems caused by excessive accumulation of body fat. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the prevalence of obesity has tripled in the last 40 years, with 650 million out of 1.9 billion overweight adults suffering from obesity. Obesity is a non-communicable disease that increases the risks of more dangerous diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. Therefore, early detection of obesity level is crucial. Currently, Body Mass Index (BMI) serves as a measurement indicator, but it tends to overestimate obesity for those with high muscle mass and vice versa, making it ineffective as it only relies on height and weight, without considering body composition and daily activities. To solve this, the best Random Forest model has been developed, selected based on the results of model selection after comparisons using feature selection and hyperparameter tuning. The selected model successfully improved accuracy by 1.4%, which then implemented into a web-based system to classify obesity levels. Evaluation of the model resulted in Precision, Recall, F1-Score, and Accuracy of 97%, 97%, 97%, and 96.8% respectively. Based on these evaluation results, it can be concluded that this system is highly effective in classifying obesity levels.


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How to Cite
Abigail, T., & Overbeek, M. (2025). Ensemble Learning - Random Forest Algorithm to Classify Obesity Level. IJNMT (International Journal of New Media Technology), 11(2), 68-77. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.31937/ijnmt.v11i2.3709