Cross-Platform Mobile Based Crowdsourcing Application for Sentiment Labeling Using Gamification Method

  • Elaine Elaine
  • Farica Perdana Putri
  • Alethea Suryadibrata UMN


Sentiment analysis is the application of natural language processing which aims to identify the sentiment of texts. To carry out sentiment analysis, data which has been labeled sentiment is needed to be included in the training model. Crowdsourcing is considered as the most optimal method to label data because it has a high level of accuracy at a relatively low cost. However, the use of crowdsourcing platforms has its own challenge, which is to increase user interest and motivation. A solution which can be applied is to design and build a crowdsourcing platform or application using the gamification method. The definition of gamification is an effort to increase one's intrinsic motivation for an activity by applying game elements to it. Therefore, a cross-platform mobile based crowdsourcing application for sentiment labeling using gamification method was carried out. The gamification design process was done based on the 6D framework and the application was developed using the Ionic-React framework. Application was examined through black box testing and the result showed that the application was functioning properly and according to the design requirements. There was also an evaluation carried out by distributing Intrinsic Motivation Inventory questionnaires to users who had used the application for 2 weeks. From a total of 40 respondents, the result showed that the level of user motivation and interest in using the application was high with a percentage of 83.10%.


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How to Cite
Elaine, E., Putri, F., & Suryadibrata, A. (2025). Cross-Platform Mobile Based Crowdsourcing Application for Sentiment Labeling Using Gamification Method. IJNMT (International Journal of New Media Technology), 11(2), 111-118.