Prototype of Gas Warning Monitoring Application Using Mobile Android Smartphone : A Case Study

  • Diki Hermawan Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Eko Budi Setiawan Universitas Komputer Indonesia


This study aims to monitor gas leakage with case studies in a national company engaged in the production of polycarbonate for drinking water packaging. In the future this research will be referred to as the Company. The Company implements Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja or socalled. System Management K3 (SMK3) to create a safety and health system by involving elements of management, labor, conditions and an integrated work environment in order to prevent and reduce accidents and occupational diseases. One of the causes of work accidents of the many causes that should be a concern is the danger that can be caused by the leaking gas LPG installation. Such hazards may cause explosions to fire that may threaten the safety of workers in companies using LPG gas for their production processes. The system in this study was designed to monitor and provide gas leak warnings to leaked LPG gas installations and promptly take prompt and automatic precautions. With the development of warning gas monitoring via android raspberry-based pi is expected to improve the security system and reduce the
risk of work accident caused by LPG gas. 

Index Terms— Gas Monitoring, Raspberry pi, MQ2, LPG, Android

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How to Cite
Hermawan, D., & Setiawan, E. (2017). Prototype of Gas Warning Monitoring Application Using Mobile Android Smartphone : A Case Study. IJNMT (International Journal of New Media Technology), 4(1), 17-24.