Development of Web-based Matrix Operations Calculation as a Learning Media

  • Harya Bima Dirgantara Kalbis Institute
  • Tedi Lesmana Marselino Kalbis Institute


This study aims to build a web-based matrix operations calculation that can be used for students as learning media. There are some students having difficulties to learning matrix. Some of the difficulties are limited alternative learning media, they only study from books or presentation slide. These media are not interactive. This learning media is built using prototyping model process. The stages of prototyping model process are communication, quick plan, modelling quick design, construction, and deployment. The result of this study is a web-based matrix operations calculation that has feature to calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication, determinant, and transpose matrix.


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How to Cite
Dirgantara, H., & Marselino, T. (2017). Development of Web-based Matrix Operations Calculation as a Learning Media. IJNMT (International Journal of New Media Technology), 4(2), 105-111.