Steering Control System Design on Electric Car using Remote Control

  • Adri Tamma Furqon Telkom University
  • Angga Rusdinar Telkom University
  • Azam Zamhuri Fuadi Telkom University
  • Martin Hardiyanto PT Pindad Indonesia
  • Usman Sakiman PT Pindad Indonesia


Teleoperation vehicles such as Unmanned Ground Vehicles can be used for surveillance or exploration, including the detection of mines. PT. Pindad plans to develop a vehicle for minesweeping. In this research, a prototype of an unmanned vehicle system was built. The vehicle had a steering system that can be remotely controlled, which allows for more maneuverability. A Proportional Integrated and Derivative control was attached to the system. The PID control has the ability to speed up and generate system responses according to user requirements. The experiment result showed that the system got a rise time response of 1.6 seconds and a steady state error of 0%, and the percentage comparison between the angle given by the remote control and the angle read by the rotary encoder is 97.89 %.


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How to Cite
Furqon, A., Rusdinar, A., Fuadi, A. Z., Hardiyanto, M., & Sakiman, U. (2021). Steering Control System Design on Electric Car using Remote Control. Ultima Computing : Jurnal Sistem Komputer, 13(2), 77-83.