Implementation of Scrum Method for Designing Website-Based E-commerce Application (Case Study: Putra Prabu Workshop)

  • William Wijaya
  • Fenina Adline Twince Tobing Universitas Multimedia Nusantara


The internet is a technology that has now become a major necessity in the world. There are many applications designed using the internet to meet daily needs, such as educational, commercial and other applications. according to the number of motorized vehicles in Indonesia, which according to vehicles in Indonesia reached 141.99 million units in 2021. Bengkel Putra Prabu is a workshop that operates in the city of Prabumulih, Putra Prabu has several problems, such as lack of intensive advertising. Scrum is a software engineering method using agile principles that relies on team collaboration, incremental products and an iteration process to realize the final result. The results show user acceptance of the system system was 76.06% for the Perceived Ease Of Use category, 73.51% for the Perceived Usefulness category, 71.53% for the Atitude Toward Using category, and 71.89% for the Behavioral Intentional category. The conclusion of this research the system that has been created is well received by users.


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How to Cite
Wijaya, W., & Tobing, F. (2024). Implementation of Scrum Method for Designing Website-Based E-commerce Application (Case Study: Putra Prabu Workshop). Ultimatics : Jurnal Teknik Informatika, 15(2), 106-114.