Jurnal Ultima Abdimas Nusantara is a Journal of the Universitas Multimedia Nusantara which presents output articles on community service in the field of Engineering, Informatics, Social sciences, and Humanities, as well as the latest theoretical and practical issues, including Algorithmic Analysis and Design, Software Engineering, System and Network Security, Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Algorithmic Theory, World Wide Web, Cryptography, database systems, management information systems, systems analysis and development, project management information systems, programming, mobile information systems, digital technology for the creative industries, infrastructure technology, communication and network computing, signal and image processing, intelligent systems, control and embedded systems, mobile and web-based systems, and robotics, Edge Computing, Internet-of-Things, Embedded Systems, Robotics, Control Systems, Networks and Communications , System Integration, as well as other topics in Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering as well as other topics in Engineering and Informatics.
And also in Economics, Social Science and Humanities including Financial Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Implementation of Information Technology for Decision Support System, Development of E-business or E-government System, Marketing Management, Operation Management, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship, Digital technology for a creative industry, Development of Art and Design in Industry, Innovation and Creative Visual Experiment for Art and Design, Fine arts and performing arts, Aesthetics Production and Development of Moving Images, Strategic communication is how people or organizations use messages and media to achieve their communication desired goals. Messages and media are employed in strategic communication to affect the opinions, behaviors, or beliefs of the intended audience. Strategic communication, New media and journalism, Technology-mediated communications, and Risk Communication.
Jurnal Ultima Abdimas Nusantara is published regularly twice a year (June and December) and is published by Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.
Jurnal Ultima Abdimas Nusantara is in the process of being accredited by the National Journal Accreditation (Arjuna), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Higher Education.