Ultima Computing : Jurnal Sistem Komputer is a Journal of Computer Engineering Study Program, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara which presents scientific research articles in the field of Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering as well as current theoretical and practical issues, including Edge Computing, Internet-of-Things, Embedded Systems, Robotics, Control System, Network and Communication, System Integration, as well as other topics in the field of Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Ultima Computing : Jurnal Sistem Komputer is published regularly twice a year (June and December) and is published by the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.
Ultima Computing : Jurnal Sistem Komputer has been reaccredited by the National Journal Accreditation (Arjuna), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Higher Education with SINTA 3 rating, as stated by Decree No. 105/E/KPT/2022 starts from Vol.13 No.1 to Vol.17 No.2.
Online ISSN: 2549-4007
Print ISSN: 2355-3286


Online First
These articles will be published in the next issue once ready


New Issue Published


To All Readers,
Ultima Computing : Jurnal Sistem Komputer has just published its latest issue at https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SK/issue/current. We invite you to read the Table of Contents here and then visit our website to download new articles and items of interest.

We would like to thank all contributors, authors, and reviewers for their continuing interest in our work,

Ultima Computing : Jurnal Sistem Komputer
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

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Current Issue

Vol 16 No 1 (2024): Ultima Computing : Jurnal Sistem Komputer
Published: 2024-06-30


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