Self-presentation of Female Stand-up Comedian on Instagram Account @aciresti

  • sofia aunul Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Fitrie Handayani Universitas Bina Nusantara
Keywords: self-presentation, female stand-up comedian, instagram


The phenomenon of communication through social media is common as a result of the development of communication technology. By using an interpersonal communication theory approach, in this case the concept of self-presentation is used to find out how a female stand-up comedian presents herself on her Instagram account @aciresti and her self-presentation strategy. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method where primary data collection is conducted by interviewing the account owner—Aci Resti and also her followers as a form of triangulation of sources and secondary data is carried out by conducting literature studies and observing Instagram accounts. Aci Resti's self-presentation in her Instagram account shows a dynamic and hardworking female comedian and builds female characters who can compete in the stand-up comedy industry. The self-presentation strategy is ingratiation that is an attempt to make other people like her, while self-enhancement is shown that her abilities can be respected by others.          


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How to Cite
aunul, sofia, & Handayani, F. (2023). Self-presentation of Female Stand-up Comedian on Instagram Account @aciresti. Ultimacomm: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 14(2), 279-292.